Complete the questions and answers with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Did you … to … (live) in a different town or
Yes, I … (live) in London, but I … (live) in Paris
now. I … (move) here two months ago.
2 … (Sue / like) vegetables?
No, she … (not like) them, but now she … (be) a
vegetarian. She … (stop) eating meat last year.
3 What … (Tony / do) every Saturday?
He … (go) swimming, but last year he … (start)
playing football. He … (not go) swimming now.
4 Where … (they / work)?
They … (work) at home now. They … (work) in
an offi ce, but they … (start) their own business
earlier this year.
5 How often … (Kate / go) dancing?
She … (go) dancing every Friday night, but she
… (not go) very often now.

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